Saturday, February 22, 2020

Behavior plan final 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Behavior plan final 1 - Essay Example This can result into lack of happiness as well as life enjoyment. As a human being, I have struggles with changing two behaviors, exercising irregularly and getting inadequate sleep, that are negatively affecting my life and school performance. In this behavior modification plan my goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly and getting sufficient sleep. Indeed, I believe that if I exercise more, I will be able to sleep early at night and feel better about myself. This will as well make me more confident. In order to achieve my first goal of regular exercise, I am planning to seek the assistance of a personal trainer and go to the gym three times a week. This will encourage me to keep up with practice and because I pay for sessions with my personal trainer, I will be less likely to skip or cancel classes. For my other target of getting adequate sleep, I will reduce the frequency of using my phone at night. I realized that I spend a lot of time texting and surfing the internet before sleeping. In week one, I will use my phone for one hour before going sleep in order to dedicate enough time for sleeping. In week two, I will use my phone for 30 min before going to sleep. As for my second behavior, I will go to the gym regularly. The sub-goal for changing the second behavior is to go to the gym without canceling or skipping any session in week one. For week two, my sub-goal is to go to the gym at least three times with the personal trainer and two times by myself. I will monitor this by taking notes in my private journal app â€Å"What a Wonderful Life.† Moreover, with the help of my classmates and their feedbacks on my plan, I was able to improve my sub-goals for both behaviors as reflected in the following schedules for the first goal, which is going to the gym: Through the week of observation, I used the private journal â€Å"What a Wonderful Life†

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Goldman sachs customer service controversy Research Paper

Goldman sachs customer service controversy - Research Paper Example Goldman was later on joined by his son-in-law where the firm expanded and grew into a general partnership to become Goldman, Sachs and Company. His son, Henry, was put in charge of the company’s domestic growth and Goldman, being committed to a diversified portfolio noticed a huge potential in a number of other developing industries (McGee 2010). Despite being difficult to market at the beginning these investments soon became profitable ventures only after the firm managed to convince companies to adopt stricter accounting as well as auditing procedures. Goldman, Sachs managed its very first IPO (Initial Public Offering) in the year 1906 when one of its clients, United Cigar Manufacturers announced its intention to expand (Butler 2010). Despite the fact that the Goldman, Sachs hand never managed a share offering in the course of its operation history, it became successful in marketing an estimated $4.5 million worth of the client’s stock and made United Cigar Manufactur ers qualify for trading on the New York Stock Exchange. As explained by McGee (2010) in 1998 Goldman, Sachs began to consider going public and after selling an estimated 69 million shares it officially adopted the name The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. where it named Henry Paulson, Jr. ... Its main clients include governments, private individuals as well as corporations that transact with it. Very few controversies are associated with Goldman Sachs since it was founded. However, the most famous controversy involved the leaking information on inside trading, which was done by David Brown when the company was in takeover talks. This incident happened in 1986 and Robert Freeman, a senior partner of the company was also linked to the controversy. The company has also been accused that last year it boosted its quarter earning through changing substantial writedowns in its December financial reports. This section thus looks in details some of the controversies (Recomparison, 2011). As noted by Butler, (2010) though the company is seen as the most profitable investment bank in the world in addition to being an excellent money-making machine running rings around its rivals while rewarding its high fliers with multibillion-pound bonuses, Goldman Sachs has a tendency of attracti ng controversy to a level separating it from its competitors. The most recent controversy has been in April 2010, regarding betting against a package Goldman Sachs sold to their own investors, which is believed to have been the turning point for regulators not only in the United States but around the world. At that time, the firm was already under scrutiny for having awarded year end bonuses as well as payouts to its stuff for the financial year ending 2008 upon receipt of an estimated ?6.1 billion UK bailout from the United States government, being part of the bailout toward those financial institutions worst hit by the credit crunch. From the controversy, it is said that Goldman Sachs materially gave wrong